full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Marah J. Hardt: Are we interrupting the kinky sex lives of fish?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So how are we interrupting this kind of kinky courtship? Well, the female's urine carries a cticiarl cmiahcel signal that works because it can pass through seawater and lobsters have a smell receptor that can detect and reecvie the message. Climate cagnhe is making our oceans more acidic. It's the result of too much carbon dioxide entering seawater. This changing chemistry could slmrbace that message, or it could damage the lobsters' smell receptors. Pollution from land can have similar impacts. Just imagine the consequence for that female if her love potion should fail. These are the kinds of subtle but sganificint iapmcts we're having on the love levis of these marine life.

Open Cloze

So how are we interrupting this kind of kinky courtship? Well, the female's urine carries a ________ ________ signal that works because it can pass through seawater and lobsters have a smell receptor that can detect and _______ the message. Climate ______ is making our oceans more acidic. It's the result of too much carbon dioxide entering seawater. This changing chemistry could ________ that message, or it could damage the lobsters' smell receptors. Pollution from land can have similar impacts. Just imagine the consequence for that female if her love potion should fail. These are the kinds of subtle but ___________ _______ we're having on the love _____ of these marine life.


  1. scramble
  2. impacts
  3. lives
  4. receive
  5. critical
  6. change
  7. significant
  8. chemical

Original Text

So how are we interrupting this kind of kinky courtship? Well, the female's urine carries a critical chemical signal that works because it can pass through seawater and lobsters have a smell receptor that can detect and receive the message. Climate change is making our oceans more acidic. It's the result of too much carbon dioxide entering seawater. This changing chemistry could scramble that message, or it could damage the lobsters' smell receptors. Pollution from land can have similar impacts. Just imagine the consequence for that female if her love potion should fail. These are the kinds of subtle but significant impacts we're having on the love lives of these marine life.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
deep sea 4
producing sperm 2
change sex 2
sex lives 2
biggest fish 2
love potion 2
climate change 2
love bite 2

Important Words

  1. acidic
  2. carbon
  3. carries
  4. change
  5. changing
  6. chemical
  7. chemistry
  8. climate
  9. consequence
  10. courtship
  11. critical
  12. damage
  13. detect
  14. dioxide
  15. entering
  16. fail
  17. female
  18. imagine
  19. impacts
  20. interrupting
  21. kind
  22. kinds
  23. kinky
  24. land
  25. life
  26. lives
  27. lobsters
  28. love
  29. making
  30. marine
  31. message
  32. oceans
  33. pass
  34. pollution
  35. potion
  36. receive
  37. receptor
  38. receptors
  39. result
  40. scramble
  41. seawater
  42. signal
  43. significant
  44. similar
  45. smell
  46. subtle
  47. urine
  48. works